Sunday, July 16, 2017

Bitclub Network July Updates

July Updates: 1


Big Updates, New Package, and More!
Date: July 1st

Included in this update... 

  • Invoicing System Issues Fixed!
  • All Bitcoin Pool Shares 30 Day Delay
  • Big Announcement - NEW GPU Founder Pack
  • All GPU Shares Paying Today!
  • DASH No Longer Available
  • Iceland Leadership Event Recap
  • NEW Dubai Event Details

Invoicing System Issues - Fixed!

Over the past few days our system has been extremely backed up verifying new transactions. This was due to an overloaded block explorer. We have fixed the issue and have made some upgrades to handle the increased volume so now everything is caught up and back to normal. 

There were no transactions missed during this time they were just pending until the load was resolved.

Right now there are two issues happening at the same time that could cause some future delays. First, the Bitcoin network itself is overloaded and it can be very slow at times causing invoices to take a long time. Second, is our own growth rate and the size of our database to keep up with demand. We are basically at full capacity with the amount of invoices we can generate per second, per minute, per day, etc..

We continue to make improvements and optimize our systems but we just wanted you to be aware that from time to time we could see increased periods of pending invoices, or in some cases invoices that are generated without Bitcoin addresses at all. This means the server is too busy and you should wait a few minutes and try again. 

During these times please be patient and know that we are aware of the issue and working to fix it. But with the current state of the network itself you just have to assume there will be some delays (like rush hour traffic). Thanks for understanding! 

All Bitcoin Pool Shares on 30 Day Delay...

As we mentioned in the previous update we are now moving all shares to begin paying after 30 days of purchase instead of 10 days. We have to do this because it takes time to order this many machines get them installed and get them hashing to pay out. 

The 30 day rule is now active for all new shares purchased on or after July 1st, and you will see this reflected in the countdown showing 1,030 days instead of 1,010 days. You will still earn for the same 1,000 days though. 

BIG Announcement - NEW GPU Founder Packs!

In Iceland we made a big announcement about our new GPU Founder Pack! 

We are very excited about the future of GPU mining because not only is it profitable, but with the flexibility of how many different coins we can mine it's a great opporutnity and we are able to secure GPU's from many different sources. We believe now is the time to expand and create nice residuals in GPU minable coins for years to come.

Moving forward we now have two options to chose from... 

Option 1: GPU Pool for $1,000 USD that will be exactly the same as all shares that we have sold in the past. You will receive 1 share and it will have 6 credits and pay through the level up. 

Option 2: GPU Founder Pack that will include 5 shares of the GPU mining pool for $5,000 USD. This package will automatically make you a Founder and allow you to earn on all pools. So you can now purchase the $99 membership and then purchase this new package and you will be eligible for commissions in all Bitcoin mining pools.

With this option you will have 5 shares that you can decide which coins to mine at anytime. You have full control over this power! 

GPU Shares Begin Paying Today...

All shares that were sold in the last few batches will go live and begin paying today! 

Moving forward all GPU shares will be on a 30 day delay from the time you purchase them (just like Bitcoin shares). So if you purchase today (July 1st) then you will begin earning your first commission 30 days from now and you will earn for a full 2,000 days. 

If you purchased a GPU pool in the past your account has been reflected to earn for 2,000 days minus however many days you have already been earning. This change was also announced in the previous update and will take place immediately by showing under the GPU shares page.

DASH is No Longer Available...

We have decided to stop mining DASH and it has now been removed from the list. If you were mining DASH then your share has automatically been switched over to ETH starting today and you will begin earning ETH unless you change to another coin. 

We will continue to support the DASH wallet and it's our hope that in the future we can bring back DASH because we do believe in the future of this coin. But right now we suggest you move all coins out of your DASH wallet ASAP! 

Iceland Leadership Event... 

A few weeks ago some of the top BitClub Network leaders met in Iceland together to take a tour of the Bitcoin mining facility. Over 200 people showed up and visited the facility and afterward everyone went to the Blue Lagoon for some lunch and a dip in the hot springs.

It was an amazing experience and we want to thank everyone who helped make it so great!

We even had some older Bitcoin mining machines (S5 Antminers) that were given away as souvenirs to anyone who wanted to take one back. We heard some of you had trouble getting through airport security with them but overall it was a huge success! 

At the data center there were some strict rules about taking pictures so there was only one approved photographer who was allowed inside and he took some pictures of everyone there. These pictures are now available on the website below for you to download and share as you wish.

Here is a link to these photo... Iceland Photos - Click Here

NEW Dubai Leadership Event in October! 

We are excited to announce that our next leadership event will be held in Dubai!

We've been trying to put this trip together for over a year but things kept coming up and getting in the way. Now we finally have the dates booked and full details for what we plan to do there in October. 

This is going to be a once in a lifetime type of opportunity (just like Iceland was). We invite leaders from all over the world to join us here for some exclusive news, training, updates and future plans, but most importantly to have fun and get to know you better. This is much more of a reward trip than a working trip! 

We have to limit this event to 350 people and you MUST be a Pro Builder or higher rank in order to be invited (no exceptions). You will have up until the end of September to qualify as a Pro Builder and included in this trip. However, we are only allowing 350 people and then it will close so the event might be sold out by then.

We want to help you get there... 

If you are a Monster Builder then your trip will be fully paid for (except for airfare). This will include 4 nights stay and all accommodations. This will also include all excursions, tours, and meetings that we set up for the group. Basically all you have to do is get yourself there and we will take care of the rest! 

If you are a Master Builder then we will pay for about 80% of your accommodations, and if you are Pro Builder we will pay for about 60% of your accommodations. The exact details will be provided over the next few weeks with a link to a website where you see more details and the exact dates in October. 

This trip will be all about rewarding you in style and we can't wait to see you there! 

As always thank you for being part of BitClub Network we have some great news coming out this month as well so stay tuned!

-BCN Support

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