Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Mining Earnings Update...
Date: April 14th

Included in this update... 

  • Bitcoin Mining Earnings (temporary dip)
  • Ethereum/GPU Mining Adjustments

Bitcoin Mining Earnings - Temporary Dip

You may have noticed the recent dip in our daily mining earnings. Unfortunately, these numbers are accurate but they are only temporary. 

Over the past 30-60 days BitClub Network has been growing faster than anytime in our history. This is a great thing, however it's also been the longest stretch we have gone without adding additional power to our pool and the result has been a big dip in the payments per share. 

The reason is simple... We recently structured a long term deal for ramping up our power and during this time frame we saw a huge influx of new shares. 

The result is one of our lowest 10 day stretches in history that started a few days ago. But the good news is we have 60 PH coming online in 5 days from now, plus another 50 PH coming online May 16th and then another 40 PH coming online June 7th. All of this power was paid for months ago as part of the biggest deal we have ever done with BitFury. 

Also, we have an additional 20 PH coming online sometime in May from Bitmain and another 20-30 PH in June (assuming we don't make any additional purchases as it could be more). 

This means the combined total power will be an additional 200 PH added from April 19th through June and this will put our pool above 330 PH total!! 

So please don't panic... We just got caught up in a small dip because of the large scale deal we made and we will make it up quickly.

One thing you will always get from us is honest numbers. It may not be great news at times but we ONLY pay what we are actually mining and we will never put the company in jeopardy by paying out more just to keep you "happy"

We see competitors doing this all the time and it's very easy to see they are just lying and paying out ridiculous returns that are not sustainable. 

Our mission is to stay on track and build long term sustainable mining solutions that will pay for many years to come. We are also leveraging our membership in many ways beyond mining to help you really cash-in on this digital currency boom. 

So be patient because you will see a huge boost when our new power comes online.

Ethereum/GPU Mining Adjustments

With the addition of 10,000 new shares that will begin paying tomorrow we did a full audit on our Ethereum payments and found we were paying out way too much.

There were a few reasons for this over payment... 

First, we had a majority of our shares mining Zcash when we launched the Zcash pool back in October. During this time we constantly had to adjust the earnings per share because we kept finding new improvements in the hashing algorithm that would increase the efficiency of each GPU. 

You may recall we kept doing adjustments and doing audits to pay more as we improved the algorithm. You can even go back to some of our updates below to see these announcements. Our main focus was on Zcash and optimizing this pool until Ethereum exploded in price going from around $12 USD up to $50 USD almost overnight. 

When this happened we saw thousands of shares moving from ZEC to ETH and this meant manually having to switch and reboot machines to mine Ethereum. At the same time the overall hashing power on the Ethereum mining network jumped from around 8 TH/s up to around 18 TH/s. 

This is more than doubling the difficulty in ETH and we did not properly adjust for this and allocate the shares correctly.

So the end result was a large overpayment for about 30-45 days. Recently, we ran a full audit on our numbers and we have adjusted the payout to what is actually being mined with our power. 

The good news... WE ARE NOT going to claw-back any of this overpayment because it was our mistake and we are going to allow you to be paid around 3-4 times more during this stretch, you can keep it all.

Starting today you will see accurate numbers and the new 10,000 shares will begin paying the correct amount. We will also keep a much closer eye on this growing network and make adjustments as needed. 

Error #2... After we sold the new batch of 10,000 shares we found a bug where some members were being paid on the new shares before the power was ever hooked in. This also affected existing shares due to the way we allocated them in the system.

Basically from April 1st - April 12th all of the new ETH shares had to be clawed back and this was done yesterday with a notice on the ETH Wallet page. 

So to recap, if you are seeing an adjustment on your ETH wallet it's only from the April 1 - April 12th time frame that we clawed this back, but we still paid you on each share 3-4 times more than normal, so the only thing clawed back was from new shares purchased in this latest round. 

We wanted to clarify this and also remind you that we do make mistakes from time to time and these mistakes will usually be fixed by an audit.

This is how REAL MINING works, we are not cloud mining or paying you on "theoretical numbers" we are actually mining with real hardware and we are constantly trying to improve the ROI and efficiency of our operations to make you more money.

Hopefully this makes sense, and just know that we will ALWAYS try and do the right thing on behalf of all members so that you understand what is going on and why.

We appreciate all your support as we continue to execute our business model in a fair and accurate way. 

-BCN Support 


Website Downtime, Ranking Scripts, GPU and More...
Date: April 12th

Included in this update... 

  • Website Attacks Causing Downtime
  • Ranking & Repurchase Scripts
  • Founder Bonuses Paid
  • GPU Mining Update

Website Attacks Causing Downtime

Over the past several days we have been experiencing large waves of DDOS attacks with combined flood attacks from our remote landing pages. Basically we are seeing tens of thousands of fake leads flooding into the system (per second) so we have been taking the sign up forms offline when needed and making some important upgrades. 

If you signed up any new leads over the past 48 hours and they did not confirm their email or sign up immediately then it's possible they have been deleted from the system.

Several million entries have been deleted so far and it's been difficult to determine real from fake so there are likely many valid accounts being deleted as well. 

This only affects new leads on their initial enrollment and all you need to do is tell your new leads to sign up again if they were deleted. 

We have been mitigating attacks like these for many months but over the last 48 hours the attackers have scaled up 10 fold. For the most part these attacks are completely harmless they are just very annoying and it's been causing the site to be slow and some scripts to die. 

It is also VERY expensive for attackers to continue these attempts so they should stop soon enough.

Ranking & Repurchase Scripts

The one major inconvenience these attacks have caused is they have been interrupting our commission scripts that are used to calculate Rank and also Repurchases. These are now back logged in our system and we hope to catch up soon. 

So, if you have not seen the repurchases or a bump in your rank this is the reason why and this will be updated soon. 

You may see some additional downtime later this week as we implement a custom firewall solution that will detect attacks like this one in the future.

We actually launched this feature today and the website is currently catching about 90% of these fake enrollments now so you probably already noticed the site is running much better.

However, if you do see some downtime its because we are working on this piece and there is nothing to worry about.

Founder Bonuses Paid... 

All Founder 1 and Founder 2 bonus pools have been paid through February and we will be paying March bonus on April 15th. You can now see the total mining numbers updated under the Founders page so you can track our progress. 

We are about to see an additional 60 PH come online with a lot more behind it and this should provide a nice uptick in earnings per mining share across the board with a lot more power coming online shortly after. 

GPU Mining Update... 

We are on track to start paying all new shares on April 15th. Our techs have been working around the clock installing new machines and getting everything ready to go. This was the largest deployment we have done so far and we are very excited to get it hashing in our pools ASAP. 

All shares will be set to mine Ethereum to start and then shortly after you will have the opportunity to switch over to whatever you want. We estimate this will be about 1-2 weeks before we have all the other wallets and pools finalized.

Once these are ready you will see 3 new wallets go live (Dash, Monero, Ethereum Classic) and then you will have full control over your shares in the future.

NOTE: If you purchased a share of Ethereum in the original first batch we offered and your share was mining before the hard fork of Ethereum Classic then your ETC coins will be available for withdrawal in the new ETC wallet. 

We want to thank you for your patience on this because we know many members have been anxious to receive their ETC rewards from when the split happened. 

Our goal is to continue expanding our GPU farms and as of today we own one of the largest super computers in the world when you account for all these GPU's connected together. This is a huge asset and it can be used way beyond the scope of mining in the future.

Thanks for being a BitClub member and please help us pass along this information to all members across the world.

-BCN Support 

                                     Join the club Here

                                                                                                   Earn even more with the help of affiliate system of Richmond Berks Ltd. Company. You will get 10% profit from each deposit of your partners who signed up using your partnership link. And 5% profit from each deposit of your second-level partners.
Affiliate bonus of the first level
Affiliate bonus of the second level
 "Richmond Berks Dollars (RBD) is an equivalent of shares in Richmond Berks Ltd. Company.

You get a daily interest rate of the profit from the amount of your active RBD. The interest rate depends on current level of company’s capitalization. Active RBD represent the amount of your investment in the company.

Free RBD are RBD that you can withdraw anytime.

At any time you can withdraw your active RBD with a fine of 50%. After the withdrawal of active RBD, RBD you are free and available to cashing out on your wallet "( Copy Pasted For Accuracy)

Click Here To Start!